Blog Cookie Ecosystem Product Update – 25th July, 2024

Cookie Ecosystem Product Update – 25th July, 2024

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Krystyna Kozak-Kornacka

Chief Marketing Officer

25 Jul '24


Innovation in Web3 has been at an all time high, and we at Cookie3 are right in the thick of it! We've been laser-focused on making our user experience top-tier and building features that pack a punch. This focus has led to some significant milestones and a whole bunch of innovative ideas brewing. Let's dive into what we've been up to lately, go over some key metrics, and see what exciting features are coming down the pipeline!

Recent Developments:

  • Expanded EVM Chain Compatibility

We've prioritized interoperability by expanding our compatibility to all major Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains. This enables users to leverage Cookie3's functionality across a wider range of blockchain ecosystems and creates a more streamlined experience overall. 

  • Enhanced Performance and Reliability

In response to valuable user feedback, we've enhanced Cookie3's application architecture to optimize performance and strengthen security protocols. This translates to a more performant, scalable, and secure experience for our users.

Key Metrics Update: 

  • 1300+ Websites Connected to Cookie3 Analytics: Cookie3 has a sturdy infrastructure resulting in extensive reach. 
  • 300+ Clients: We are committed to customer satisfaction and providing a reliable service, which has resulted in acquiring a diverse range of clients.
  • 15.5B+ Multi-Chain Transactions: Our platform has processed over 15.5 billion multi-chain transactions. Handling high volumes of data with precision is our expertise.
  • 1.2B+ Wallets: With over 1.2 billion wallets connected, we continue to lead in providing comprehensive wallet management solutions.

New Feature: Introducing Social Monitoring (Launching August 2024)

A new feature is in sight – Social Monitoring for our Cookie3 Analytics app users, this feature is designed to provide deep insights into social media data:

  • Sentiment Analysis: Explore sentiment metrics related to your Web3 project or other projects on social media platforms.
  • KOL Engagement Monitoring: Track Key Opinion Leaders’ (KOLs) interactions with your brand to understand their influence and reach.
  • Social Traffic Navigation: Easily navigate through social traffic involving over 430 million total followers, providing a top view of your social media footprint.
  • Price Action Correlation: Observe the correlation of significant social media events with price actions of tokens to make informed decisions.
  • Influencer Identification: Discover users who positively or negatively influences your brand and enable targeted engagement.
  • Direct Outreach: Reach out and collaborate directly with KOLs through our Cookie3 Affiliate network and build valuable connections.

Coming Soon (Q3 & Q4) 

We're committed to staying ahead of the curve to bring you the best possible product. Here's a peek at what’s up next for Q3 & Q4 : 

  • Native TON and Solana App Analytics (Q3 2024): We will soon offer native analytics for TON and Solana apps, providing deeper insights and enhanced functionality.
  • Full Support for Non-EVM Chains (Q4 2024): We are expanding our support to include non-EVM chains such as Solana and TON to broaden Cookie3’s reach.
  • Cookie3 Blockchain-Native LLM Interface (Q4 2024): We are launching a blockchain-native Large Language Model (LLM) interface for competitive analytics and real-time market data. This feature will be available as a Telegram bot and in-app, offering cutting-edge analytical capabilities.